Senior Citizens Resources

Senior Citizens Resources

Senior Citizens Resources is an organization that provides local seniors with varying social activities, home delivered meals, transportation, and other valuable services. Senior Citizens Resources has been around for 51 years and has been committed to serving the large neighborhood of Old Brooklyn and the growing population of older adults. They have a large number of social activities that seniors are welcome to participate in, including art and music classes, yoga, Tai Chi, swimming, hiking, gardening, and many more! Senior Citizens Resources received a grant from The McGregor Foundation for operating support for services they provide.

Seniors within the community are able to socialize and engage with others through these activities. Many of them find much joy and purpose in creating art or music, for example, proving that these services help strengthen the emotional and physical health of those who participate. Senior Citizens Resources even held an art exhibit to showcase the art the seniors had proudly created. They also take the seniors on excursions for them to take part in hiking groups, gardening, or swimming at their local Rec Center. Senior Citizens Resources attracts individuals from surrounding senior housing buildings, or simply through connections within the neighborhood.

Senior Citizens Resources is a valuable organization dedicated to supporting aging seniors through their social activities and other services.